Happy ideas arise spontaneously, take shape and make more and more sense as we think about them. They are those that are not complicated at all and are easy to put into practice. They are the ones where it is fun to work.
Creating concepts and implementing strategies in the service of positive communication is Happy Monday's goal in the most diverse areas of creativity.
Branding & Creativity
Editorial & Print
Packaging & Pos
Web & Digital

Aproximar os colaboradores, fazer com que se sintam parte importante no todo, incentivá-los a vestir a camisola pela empresa e também pelo próprio bem-estar.
Contribuir para a felicidade no horário de trabalho são os objetivos desta área onde a comunicação interna faz toda a diferença.
Na fase de diagnóstico, sempre que desenvolvemos um plano ou estratégia de comunicação, em cada, newsletter, intranet ou peça de comunicação…a felicidade interna bruta é um conceito omnipresente.
Comunicação Interna
Felicidade Interna Bruta
Responsabilidade Social
Workshops e eventos

Communicating with the little ones is like going back to childhood, to make-believe times. It is to invite brands to express themselves in a different way, to enter the world of magic and imagination. It is to stimulate creativity in a pedagogical way. It's to educate. And for that, Happy Monday has a team specialized in reaching the youngest.
From games to music. From cartoons, to activity sheets, to how many you want or to enchanting stories… In Children's Communication, each project must be thought out in detail. Each piece of communication, character, illustration or content is crucial to getting the message across without forgetting the most important thing: learning can be fun.
Pedagogical Communication
child marketing

Concern for tomorrow has been in Happy Monday's DNA since forever. Because we believe that true happiness looks further. Take care of others and the planet. It's fair, generous, responsible. It is circular, has the size of the world and fits all generations. Happy Planet is our area dedicated to sustainability. Here, we develop concepts, communication campaigns, actions and awareness-raising content for different customers with a big "C" who are dedicated to making the world a better place.
Responsible Communication
Awareness Programs
CSR diagnosis
Team Buildings with impact